It's pretty simple. Hazel 4 4 26. You must sign a Contributor License Agreement (CLA) before your pull request gets merged. More info here.
This is a one-time requirement, meaning that you should do it in your first pull request. After that, your pull requests would be merged without having to go through such process.
Property editor for Umbraco 7. Editing the data type: Using the data type in Umbraco: Summary. Iconator is a custom data type that allows an editor to select a class for a custom icon from a CSS file, but in a visual way.
Signing a CLA might sound scary, but it's definitely not. You should not worry about that.
The process is actually very simple and can be done in less than 5 minutes.
The ICOnator CLA simply aims to make it clear the contribution's copyright and to prevent fragmentation of rights. Also, the CLA goal is to ensure that the contributions to the ICOnator Project will remain free software.
However, you don't have to sign the CLA up-front. You can simply clone, fork, and submit your pull-request as usual.
Download the respective form:
Once you downloaded it, fulfill the information on the last page, and scan it.
You should send the scan of duly signed CLA to as a PDF, also specifying the contributor's GitHub username (or multiple ones if it's a Entity CLA) in the email body.
If you are not so familiar with pull requests, we suggest you to read this and this before. It clarifies a lot.
Some things that we expect:
You are more than welcome to join ICOnator's Slack to discuss technical details of your contribution, or even propose new features to the team.